Opening times Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Opening times Sat-Sun 8AM-12PM

575 service

Wood Lane / Manor Road - Rodillian Academy

Rodillian Academy - Wood Lane at Manor Road


This service will pick up/set down at all regular bus stops along the following route:

AM route

Towards Rodillian Academy

From Wood Lane, Wakefield Road, Leeds Road, Long Thorpe Lane.

PM route

From Rodillian Academy

From Long Thorpe Lane, Leeds Road, Wakefield Road, Wood Lane, Haigh Road, Styebank Lane, Leeds Road, Holmsley Lane, Church Street.


Wood Lane / Manor RoadDEP0800
Wakefield Road at Glebe FarmDEP0805
Halfway HouseDEP0810
Rodillian AcademyARR0815
Rodillian AcademyDEP1440
Robin HoodDEP1443
Wakefield Road at Glebe FarmDEP1446
Haigh SideDEP1448
Church StreetARR1456

24/25 fares

Payment options on this service:

  • M-Card App. Download the M-Card app and purchase tickets online.
  • Under 19 photocard. Pre-load tickets to an under 19 photocard.
  • Cash. The fare is £1.20 each way. Try to bring the exact change. Please note this is the most expensive way to travel. Discounts are available with the M-Card app and the under 19 photocard listed above.